
Showing posts from October, 2021

Hindu Temple – Under the Plunder & Prison of Government Control.

The SC judgment and court Proceedings on two cases Natraja Temple Vs TN Government and Jagannath Temple Puri Vs Orissa Government recorded its displeasure and made scathing observations as to why the Government is so keen to administer the temple. The Learned Judge S A Bobde and S A Nazeer could not have used better sober words to communicate to Government its displeasure and constitutional illegality, Yet nothing changed till date.   Hindu temples house huge Land assets, daily donation, Hundi collection and Gold deposits in the name of God. And lobby surrounding the Government official having vested interest are holding eye on this wealth. Untold and unrecorded plunder of assets and wealth has already happened.   Perhaps Sleeping Hindu society does not deserve better than this.   How has this all started? While Christian Muslim and Sikh have been allowed to manage their own religious places, Hindu are not? While others do not have to pay any Taxes, Hindu religious places h

International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) - Ray of Hope

The Sankirtan movement in Eastern Part of India was started by Sri Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the 1500s. The faith of masses which was started, promoted and preached by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became the guiding principle and way of life for the ocean of believers. Subsequently ISKON, The Hare Krishna movement, took this movement to its Himalayan height for the world today.   Srila Prabhupada whose child name was   Abhay Charan De , (1-Sep 1896 – 14-Nov 1977) was a spiritual disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He rediscovered and institutionalized the "Hare Krishna Movement" for the welfare, peace and prosperity of entire Mankind in his lifetime.   Srila Prabhupada, a n humane soul who had a noble and humble beginning went on to acquire a degree of graduation in 1920 in English, philosophy and economics. At the age of 22, he married Radharani Devi to enter into Grihasthya Jeevan. He immediately started his small pharmaceutical business to meet his humble livelihoo

Hindu History of Gandhaar

  Time changed, names changed, memories faded and monuments were demolished. Yet traces can be knitted together to narrate the glorious history of the land of Gandhaar and Jabul. Indian Subcontinent, a geographical descendant of Indus Saraswati civilization traces its oldest existence through great compilation and reference in four Ved. The Rig Veda earlier than any human imagination appears to refer to a period between 1500 BC to 3000 BC when river Kubha. Rig Ved refers to a city called Kubha along this river and thus the earliest reference of present day Afghanistan begins . Avesta another religious text of Zoroastrianism refers to a similar name Kubha and reference about its inhabitant. The word Afghanistan itself has a Sanskrit origin. In Sanskrit the word “Ashwa” means Horse. If this is suffixed with “Ghan” which means tribe or group, it completes into a word Ashwaghan. The meaning of this is “who is the Keeper of Horses”. The word “Stan” means place or land. Thus, the origina

Astronomy & Mathematics: - Amazing Work by Sanatan Sages & Seers

  Indian tradition of Mathematics and Astronomy is most amazing and least recalled and taught in India's education system. Courtesy Macaulay missionary academia, which ensured great work is erased and forgotten systematically. How was this possible? Gazing through the naked eye and through prolonged observation of nature and astronomical motion was the adopted methodology. Yes many would disagree. And It would certainly sound unbelievable to the generation who uses calculators for making small multiplication calculations.   It is our failure that these discoveries of Number system, Hindu decimal system, planetary motion and the other endless scientific discoveries have not been summarized for our generations. Who made it possible? All this work has been documented in great ancient Language Sanskrit, whose grammar was conceptualized by Panini. Panini (5 th  Century BC): - Sanskrit was a language in which all the narration of Hindu Sanatan Seers and Sages were documented. Panin

Nalanda University Burnt -1202 and Cambridge University founded – 1209

  Few know University of Cambridge was founded and built around 1209 in England and University of Nalanda was burnt around 1202. And this sums up the story how a civilization declined and another aroused. It takes painful years to construct and a fraction of second to destroy. Idioms well narrated for University of Nalanda and Odantapuri in Bihar. Who destroyed and burnt these sheets of learning? Historians are more cunning politicians than politicians themselves. No one will tell you who the Invader were? Where did they come from? Why did they plunder and destroy? Instead they have been glorified in the History and Culture book. Railway Station, Road and Public Building have been named after them. A Society and a Nation cannot progress when its conscience and Soul is pledged. These apt sentences reveal everything that our politician and Historian concealed all these years. Bakhtiyar Khilzi a desert invader, an illiterate Turkish slave on the instruction of another slave

Places of Worship Act- 1991- Fraud with Article 14, 15, 19

1991- Siege under weight of pseudo secularism and motivated agenda to appease the minority and to disrespect the Sanatan archaeology and religious places, an act was introduced by Home Minister S B Chawhan under the leadership of PM Narshimbha Rao of Congress in 1991 amidst the stiff resistance from opposition. The event in parliament ended with unceremonious passage of the bill and declaration of a Places of Worship Act -1991. This act took every right and glory of Sanatan civilization in India. Needless to say, the act was illegal, deplorable and an abuse on to the right of Sanatan Values. The legality of this act was standing on invalid ground and was under scrutiny even before it was introduced. As this law was related to places of pilgrimages or burial grounds, that pertains to the State List. But the Union government choose to use its residuary power under Union List to circumvent this invalidity and supersede the State rights and went ahead to enact this law. Objective of